Wednesday 14 August 2013


I've always had a massive interest in clothes from the past, been obsessed with anything from the 50s to the 60s and lapped up every minute of the 80s. I think taking piece's from the past, and adding your own twist on things is a great way of making it current and starting a trend. 

So I have decided to write a short piece on one of my favourite places to shop Vintage. It's called Absolute Vintage! (Ironic! I know) It might not look much from the outside, but nevertheless there is something that entices you inside. As you go inside, the store is crammed with all types of vintage, from shoes, bags, jewellery, to menswear and womenswear. This place may look like a jumble sale, but thats all part of it charm. Rummaging through the clothes, I have found some of my favourite pieces in this store. One I have had for the past 2years and still use it most days, a brown satchel style box bag, which I think a male or a female could wear, which is why I love it!!! (So versatile)

My point is make a day trip and get yourself down there, it's just off brick lane, which means there is plenty of other stores and vintage fairs going on to find some essential piece's for your wardrobe….(Well worth the trip)
Which brings me on to my next point wandering down towards brick lane, just coming from  Absolute Vintage….. we see a sign just simply stating vintage! 

Me and my friend wonder inside and they are holding a fair, which is great. I must have been there no more than 40 secs when I spot a white dress, I rush over praying it's what I have actually been looking for, for months…..(I hold my breath ) I pick the white dress up, and YES (finally start breathing again) it's exactly what I have been searching for.  A white tennis dress, with a drop waist, which is beautifully pleated! I immediately brought it, but this man's stall had some great stuff, all in superb quality. I only paid £20 for the dress, which I was so pleased with, it is one of a kind at the end of the day.

 But I would have a look at the website, see where he is going to be next... All I know is that #TooMuchltd has found a New Love, and we certainly won't be missing the next…. "M" xoxo

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